Commenting On Blogs All Over the World

Here are the comments and blogs in which I asked fellow bloggers questions:

1.) Mary-Ellen

My Comment:

Hey Mary-Ellen!
I loved your video! I was wondering, what is your all time favorite food to eat for dinner? Is that food popular with others in your country as well?
My blog is:

My Comment:
Hi Victoria!
I loved you video! It was so cool seeing all of the different foods you like that are from Australia! I was wondering, what you do enjoy eating for lunch most days?
My Blog URL is:
3.) Claire
My Comment:
Hey Claire!
I loved your blog post, and found it very interesting to see the types of foods you enjoy in your country! I must ask, if you had to choose one food that would be your absolute favorite, what food would it be? Is that food popular among other people in your country as well?
My Blog URL: http://
My Comment:
Hey Chantal!
I loved your blog post, and I was wondering if you only eat maple syrup with breakfast foods, or with other meals such as lunch and dinner too?  Also, I was wondering, what is your absolute favorite thing to eat?  Why is that food item your favorite?
My Blog:
5.) Mia
My Comment:
Hey Mia!
I loved you blog post! Pavlova sounds so good, and I would love to try it someday in the future! I was wondering, are there any other quite popular desserts from Australia? If so, what are they?
My Blog URL:

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